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The power of play and how to heal the trauma of the body

Dec 23, 2021

In today’s episode, I speak with Brett Fleisher, a life long pursuer of the expressive arts and authentic expression. Brett has traveled down many paths; as an actor, writer, musician, filmmaker, youth educator, somatic and reiki practitioner.

After many years of feeling out of balance physically, emotionally and mentally, Brett discovered the power of somatic release and began to heal through old traumas that were causing him lifelong pain and discomfort. He instantly resonated with this approach to integrating the mind, body and belief systems and began studying the Point Holding Process and Somatic Release Technique with his beloved teachers
Catalina Ureta and Judith Johnson.

Brett founded The Yummy Heart in the fall of 2018 and loves working one on one with people to help guide them back into their bodies, as well as educating people on understanding the function of trauma through workshops and community gatherings.

In addition to his work with The Yummy Heart, Brett is a long standing facilitator with Sacred Sons and is currently a lead mentor of the Sacred Sonz Youth Program.

We dive into the following and so much more:
✅ What it means to play as an adult
✅ What somatic embodiment work is , and why he decided to invest in this methodology in his practice
✅ What the Yummy Heart organization, why did you create it, and why did you choose that name?
✅ What Sacred Suns is , and why he decided to join this organization -- and how he’s become a mentor for youth
✅ What it means to show up as a conscious and embodied male in your words
✅ Some of the trends he has seen when working with young men

You can find Brett at

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