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Jan 10, 2025

مواقف وأحداث نكرهها ونكره التعرض لها في حياتنا اليومية… كيف نتصرف؟ ماذا نفعل؟ وكيف نتملص منها؟ في حلقة جديدة يعلق خلالها هيثم وغنوة على انطلاق الموسم الثالث من برنامج الواقع دبي بلينغ

Jan 1, 2025

In this episode of Gateways to Awakening, host Yasmeen Turayhi speaks with the inspiring Viola Rose, a devoted and certified teacher for Drunvalo Melchizedek's School of Remembering, sound healer, and holistic health coach who is dedicated to helping humanity reconnect with love, ascension, and the sacred space of the heart. About Viola Rose: Viola has spent her life answering the call to go deeper—exploring truth, clarity, and spiritual remembering during this transformational time on our planet. She is a certified Gong Practitioner, teacher for Drunvalo Melchizedek's School of Remembering, holistic health coach, and a talented musician and sound healer. With a lifetime of experience in sacred geometry, sound healing, and heart-centered living, Viola brings a wealth of wisdom to this episode. What You’ll Learn: ✨ How to return to the sacred space of the heart and live fully from love. ✨ The essence of sacred geometry and the Flower of Life. ✨ Insights into the third eye and how intuition is accessible to everyone. ✨ The transformative role of sound and frequency in our lives. ✨ Lessons from Viola’s 4-day workshop and how they can shift your perspective. ✨ How nutrition, health, and spirituality intertwine to support ascension. Viola also shares her personal journey, her challenges and triumphs, and the profound lessons she has learned along the way about self-trust, intuition, and embracing change. If you’re seeking guidance on opening your heart, connecting with sacred energies, and exploring the transformative power of sound and sacred geometry, this episode is not to be missed. For more information, please find these links: Please tag us and tell us what you loved! You can follow @Gateways_To_Awakening on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like to stay connected. If you’d like to join the waitlist for my next Intuition and coaching program, sign up @

Jan 1, 2025

مع نهاية عام وبداية عام جديد، جردة حسابات ٢٠٢٤ بأفراحها وأحزانها وأمنيات ٢٠٢٥… كيف ودع هيثم وغنوة السنة الماضية، وما امنياتهما للسنة الجديدة؟ ما تعليقهما على مسلسل القدر وحفل الموريكس دور؟ كل هذا وأكثر في حلقة جديدة من أول شي بونسوار

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