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Aug 4, 2021
Thank you dear Mireille for a valuable episode🙏🏻❤️

Aug 4, 2021
It is always my pleasure my dear ❤️

Aug 4, 2021
What do you advice to do when the one of the partner os not ready to discuss and listen?

Aug 4, 2021
I advise to tell him/her that you wish to have a conversation where I wish to discuss together our relationship or a certain topic u may mention.. Reminding the partner that communicating from a place of love is always fruitful and helpful.. If he/she is not ready.. Give him/her space.. So they can feel safe and show readiness.. Sometimes the partner freaks out when we say we have to talk.. They are not ready to look at the issue, the emotions.. And it is mostly coming from what they learned and saw about communication while growing up.. It feels unsafe for them to discuss.. That's why we should have a gentle approach coming always from a place of love.. And it is always important to talk without blaming and attacking so both partners can feel it is safe to sit and talk and express their emotions, worries and concerns. Blessings 🙏❤️

كيف نقيم حوار صحّي وبنّاء مع شريك حياتنا؟

Jul 9, 2021

في هذه الحلقة نتابع الحديث عن اختلاف طريقة التفكير والحوار بين الرجل والمرأة لنسلّط الضوء أكثر على كيفية إجراء حوار صحي وبنّاء مع شريك حياتنا.

ما هي أهم الأمور التي يجب التنّبه لها وأخذها بعين الاعتبار وبجدية، وما هي النقاط التي يجب تفاديها والتنبّه لها خلال إجراء حوار مع شريك حياتنا؟

كيف يمكن للمساهمة بوجود حوار دائم بين الشريكين أن يعزز الترابط والثقة والحب وأن يساعد في كسر كافة الأنماط المتوارَثة حول عدم القدرة على التحاور والتعبير عن العواطف والمشاعر التي تظهر عند وجود أي خلاف أو اختلاف في وجهات النظر.

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  2024 Hakawati Inc.


Aug 4, 2021
Thank you dear Mireille for a valuable episode🙏🏻❤️

Aug 4, 2021
It is always my pleasure my dear ❤️

Aug 4, 2021
What do you advice to do when the one of the partner os not ready to discuss and listen?

Aug 4, 2021
I advise to tell him/her that you wish to have a conversation where I wish to discuss together our relationship or a certain topic u may mention.. Reminding the partner that communicating from a place of love is always fruitful and helpful.. If he/she is not ready.. Give him/her space.. So they can feel safe and show readiness.. Sometimes the partner freaks out when we say we have to talk.. They are not ready to look at the issue, the emotions.. And it is mostly coming from what they learned and saw about communication while growing up.. It feels unsafe for them to discuss.. That's why we should have a gentle approach coming always from a place of love.. And it is always important to talk without blaming and attacking so both partners can feel it is safe to sit and talk and express their emotions, worries and concerns. Blessings 🙏❤️

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