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Aug 21, 2020
My Dears, thank you so much for alll the delicate tips, the necessary and important information you provided , the transparency, the positive energy and the truth you dealt with to make it a rreal helpful episode.🙏🙏I'm so grateful to have You in my Life, much lovre💞

Aug 23, 2020
Thank you for your sweet and kind words.

Aug 24, 2020
Beautiful discussion lovely people. Namaste. Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness. Love & Light. Change is upon us

Aug 28, 2020
Thank you so much. Lots of gratitude 💜🙏 change is upon us, true 🙌🙏💜

Sep 2, 2020
Waw! What a rich awakening episode!! Thank you dear Mireille and Rodrigue for this very interesting and awakening discussion.

Sep 9, 2020
You are most welcome 💜 our pleasure always 🙏

Sep 2, 2020
So what has to be done to break this collective wrong consciousness? What way of thinking is required to be practiced to start building a great Beirut after doing all the healing?

Sep 2, 2020
I am so grateful to all of you great healers in Lebanon and all over the world🙏🏻❤️

Sep 9, 2020
We are grateful for your beautiful presence too my dear 🙏💜😘

Sep 2, 2020
I mentioned a lot “ resilient lebanese” and now i am learning to choose my positive words intelligently and wisely

الذاكرة الجماعية والوعي الجماعي

Aug 21, 2020

في هذه الحلقة نستضيف رودريغ حمّال - مخرج سينمائي ومعالج في تقنية الثيتا، للحديث عن الذاكرة الجماعية وعن الوعي الجماعي. كيف يمكن للصدمة ولتبعاتها النفسية والعاطفية أن تنتقل من جيل إلى جيل وأن تتحوّل إلي معتقدات خاطئة ومحدودة في حال لم يتم التعامل معها تدريجياً بشكل صحّي وسليم

MySay link: https://hakawati.fm/mysay

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  2024 Hakawati Inc.


Aug 21, 2020
My Dears, thank you so much for alll the delicate tips, the necessary and important information you provided , the transparency, the positive energy and the truth you dealt with to make it a rreal helpful episode.🙏🙏I'm so grateful to have You in my Life, much lovre💞

Aug 23, 2020
Thank you for your sweet and kind words.

Aug 24, 2020
Beautiful discussion lovely people. Namaste. Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness. Love & Light. Change is upon us

Aug 28, 2020
Thank you so much. Lots of gratitude 💜🙏 change is upon us, true 🙌🙏💜

Sep 2, 2020
Waw! What a rich awakening episode!! Thank you dear Mireille and Rodrigue for this very interesting and awakening discussion.

Sep 9, 2020
You are most welcome 💜 our pleasure always 🙏

Sep 2, 2020
So what has to be done to break this collective wrong consciousness? What way of thinking is required to be practiced to start building a great Beirut after doing all the healing?

Sep 2, 2020
I am so grateful to all of you great healers in Lebanon and all over the world🙏🏻❤️

Sep 9, 2020
We are grateful for your beautiful presence too my dear 🙏💜😘

Sep 2, 2020
I mentioned a lot “ resilient lebanese” and now i am learning to choose my positive words intelligently and wisely

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