صورة الحلقة


How to heal through seasonal herbs and listening to the body wisdom with Marysia Miernowska

Jun 2, 2022

Today’s episode is about how to heal through seasonal herbs and listening to the body wisdom with Marysia Miernowska, an herbalist, teacher, author, Earth activist, gardener, and green witch rooted in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Marysia and some of her students, and she is an incredible teacher and healer.

She teaches herbal medicine, regenerative farming practices, Earth magick and holistic healing and is the creator of The School of The Sacred Wild. Her work and devotional practices are centered around the mission of supporting a deepening of the love and regenerative relationship between Earth and People, for the mutual healing of both human and plant communities

Marysia makes herbal medicine, runs a yearly apprenticeship program, consults on regenerative land care, designs gardens, formulates for natural healing companies, curates educational events, writes, speaks and teaches internationally. She has authored the book, “The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary: Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making”.

You can follow Marysia on instagram @Marysia_Miernowska.

We dive into the following and so much more:

✅ What the seasons have to teach us for our own wellness
✅ What it means to live with the seasons
✅ What it means to eat with the seasons
✅ What some of her favorite rituals are
✅ Some of her daily go-to herbs and why
✅ Some of the herbs we should be eating or drinking per season and why
✅ What it means to be a “Wise Woman”?

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Please tag us and tell us what you loved! You can follow @Gateways_To_Awakening on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like to stay connected.

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