Grounding. What is it, benefits, how it reduces inflammation and helps you heal, with Step Sinatra

Oct 15, 2020

Step Sinatra’s miraculous healing story was featured in the documentary, Heal For Free. A near-death-experience followed by a 40-day hospital stay changed the course of his life forever. In the early 2000’s, he was a successful Wall Street trader that traded his health for money. Spending a million dollars and traveling the globe for answers led to one simple discovery…that the most powerful therapy is right beneath our feet - and is free!

Step is now a writer-speaker-teacher in the realm of natural healing, spiritual awakening and prosperity consciousness.

While he has many other ventures, now his main focus which he co-founded with his father Dr. Stephen Sinatra in 2009, it is now one of the world’s leading Earthing & Grounding websites.

We talk about:

- What grounding is, benefits, and techniques
- The many ways you can ground - even if you’re indoors
- What happens to your body when you’re grounded and connected to the earth
- Stories of healing and reducing inflammation with grounding
- Step’s journey from sickness to health using this methodology

Grounding is when humans make an electrical connection to the earth. In my conversation with Step, we learn that connecting to the earth has a number of health benefits like regulating sleep, reducing stress, increasing immunity and energy and more.

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Grounded Instagram
Step’s individual account -

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