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UNDP Lebanon
2021 UNDP Lebanon

Development Matters is a podcast by the United Nations Development Programme in Lebanon. Each episode will explore new ways that UNDP Lebanon engages with the communities it serves, understands the systemic nature of challenges they face, and experiments with new methods for responding. We examine how this is changing what we do and how we do it, both in the front of the house and the back of the house.

Development Matters is a podcast by the United Nations Development Programme in Lebanon. Each episode will explore new ways that UNDP Lebanon engages with the communities it serves, understands the systemic nature of challenges they face, and experiments with new methods for responding. We examine how this is changing what we do and how we do it, both in the front of the house and the back of the house.

Apr 9, 2022
I enjoyed very much your first Podcast on the Lebanese elections and thank you for your efforts. I look forward to the upcoming episodes.

10 Episodes

Apr 29, 2024

How Lebanon's Municipalities Navigate Crisis with Communication 

In this episode of Development Matters, we delve into the challenges faced by Lebanon's municipalities amidst ongoing political, economic, and security crises. With basic services like electricity, clean water, and waste management becoming luxuries, the bond between local governments and their communities is strained. Yet, local authorities retain a unique trust from their communities, a trust that has been waning since the financial crisis began in 2019. We explore the critical role of communication in maintaining and strengthening this trust. Join us as Roula El Bayeh (Secretary General of Akkar Governorate) , Jean Fakhry (Head of Union of Municipalities in Deir El Ahmar), and Toni Maalouf (Senior Communication Officer at UNDP) discuss the indispensable role of effective communication in bridging gaps between municipalities and the diverse communities they serve during these turbulent times.

Apr 12, 2023

Dealing with the Past | التعامل مع الماضي  

قبل 48 عامًا ، اندلعت الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية ، مخلفة وراءها ندوبًا وصدمات وقصصًا لا تزال
تؤثر على الحاضر. لذا أصبح التعامل مع الماضي ضرورة ملحة للمصالحة و بناء مجتمع سلمي.

لكن ماذا يعني التعامل مع الماضي؟

في هذه الحلقة من Development matters نناقش أهمية التعامل مع الماضي ومبادرات بدعم من برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي تساهم بالتعامل مع إرث الحرب بهدف عدم تكرار العنف و من أجل مستقبل سلمي مستدام ودور تعليم التاريخ في تشكيل الذاكرة الجماعية والدروس التي يمكننا استخلاصها من المقاتلين السابقين الذين اختاروا مسار بناء السلام مع الناشطة التربوية
نايلة حمادة من الهيئة اللبنانية للتاريخ، ورئيس جمعية محاربون من اجل السلام، زياد صعب.

48 years ago, the Lebanese civil war started, leaving behind scars, traumas, and countless stories that continue to reverberate through the present day.

Dealing with the past has become a pressing imperative, as individuals and communities grapple with the weight of history and seek to forge a path towards healing and reconciliation.

But what does dealing with the past really mean?

In this episode of Development matters, we discuss the importance of dealing with the past for a sustainable peaceful future and shed light on initiatives supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that contribute to it, the role of history education in shaping collective memory, and lessons we can learn from ex-fighters who have chosen the path of peace, with Nayla Khodr Hamden, Educational Activist from the Lebanese Association for History (LAH), and Ziad Saab, President of Fighters for Peace, as they share their unique perspectives.

Mar 16, 2023

Impact of Crisis on Women Economic Participation (in Lebanon) 

What is the impact of the compounded crises on women's economic participation in Lebanon? And how can the private sector and civil society play a role in ensuring that women have a seat at the table? In this episode of Development Matters, we listen to Nisreen Deeb, Executive Director of the Lebanese League for Women in Business (LLWB), and Olfat Khattar, Regional Project Manager of SAWI, an institution at the American University of Beirut.

Dec 7, 2022

Violence Against Women In Politics 

In this episode of Development Matters we discuss the impediments that stand against women's participation in political life, among which are hate speech and violence. Where do Lebanese women stand today in that regard, how was women's political participation at the 2022 parliamentary elections compared to 2018 and what can be done to increase participation? Listen to our episode on violence against women in politics with gender expert and advisor Abir Chbaro, and Roula Mkhayel, Executive Director at Maharat Foundation.

Oct 24, 2022

Development Matters in Solid Waste Management 

Going back to 2015, many of the people living in Lebanon recall the garbage piling up for months in the streets of Beirut and Mount Lebanon which has gained local and global media attention and was labeled the “waste crisis” ever since. The debate still stands true today, as scenes reminiscent of the 2015 trash crisis keeps on emerging every few months, reminding us all of the need to solve this recurring issue that is putting the health of millions of Lebanese at risk on a daily basis and incurring huge environmental and public health costs. So what really is the issue there, is it a lack of strategy or coordination? Find out what is hindering solutions and how can Lebanon prevent another waste crisis in this episode of Development Matters.

بالعودة إلى عام 2015 ، يتذكر العديد من الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في لبنان مشهد النفايات المتراكمة لشهور طويلة في شوارع العاصمة بيروت وجبل لبنان و التي تصدرت عناوين الاخبار في وسائل الإعلام المحلية والعالمية وأطلق عليها آنذاك "أزمة النفايات" ومنذ ذلك الحين لا يزال الجدل قائما حتى اليوم، حيث تستمر المشاهد التي تذكرنا بأزمة النفايات في عام 2015 في الظهور كل بضعة أشهر، لينبهنا جميعًا بضرورة إيجاد حل لمشكلة تراكم النفايات المتكررة، و التي تعرض صحة ملايين اللبنانيين للخطر يوميا وتحملهم تكاليف بيئية وصحية عامة ضخمة.

فما هي المشكلة الحقيقية ؟ هل هي الافتقار إلى الإستراتيجية أم الى التنسيق؟

اكتشف ما الذي يعيق الحلول وكيف يمكن للبنان تفادي حصول أزمة نفايات جديدة في هذه الحلقة من سلسلة حلقات Development Matters.

May 9, 2022

Development Matters in Electoral Process 2 

في الحلقة الثانية التي نتوجه إليكم باللغة العربية، نكمل سويا سلسلة النقاشات حول الانتخابات النيابية التي ستجري في لبنان يوم الأحد ١٥ أيار ٢٠٢٢، هذه المرة مع ضيفتنا السيدة يوانّا فرونِتسكا، المنسقة الخاصة للأمم المتحدة في لبنان منذ حزيران ٢٠٢١.

بصفتها ممثلة الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة في لبنان، يوانّا تقود جهود المنظمة لدعم العملية الانتخابية ونناقش مهعا وجهات نظر الأمم المتحدة وتوقعاتها حول العملية الانتخابية ونتائجها، إضافة إلى دور المنظمة في دعم لبنان على صعيد الانتخابات.

Apr 7, 2022

Development Matters in Electoral Process 

في أول حلقة من برنامجنا باللغة العربية، نفتح معكم ملف الانتخابات النيابية في لبنان والتي ستجري يوم الأحد 15 أيار 2022.

تناقش نورا مراد دور برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي بالإنتخابات الذي يدعم تقنياً تنظيم وإجراء انتخابات حرة وعادلة وشاملة بلبنان بحسب المعايير الدولية، بالشراكة مع الإتحاد الأوروبي والوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية، وتحاور مع ضيفيها، السيدة جويل أبو فرحات، مديرة جمعية فيفتي فيفتي، والسيد علي سليم، المدير التنفيذي لجمعية لادي، دور المرأة في المشهد السياسي والكوتا النسائية، والتحضيرات للانتخابات في لبان والخارج، ودور المجتمع المدني في التشجيع على الاقتراع ومراقبة العملية.

للمزيد عن الانتخابات النيابية اللبنانية:

Feb 22, 2022

Development Matters in Urban Recovery 

Walking through the streets of the area affected by the Beirut blast, a curious stranger might struggle to find traces of the explosion, almost a year and a half after the largest non-nuclear blast in history, the neighborhoods seem like they are recovering. Or that’s what you might think.

In this episode, we explore with Roland Nassour, our Urban Planning Specialist, the context-specific vulnerabilities that exist in an urban setting and the actions needed towards a holistic recovery on the neighborhood level.

More details on UNDP's urban recovery approach in this blogpost:

Nov 18, 2021

Thinking about Renewable Energy? 

In this episode, we discuss the needed shift to renewable energy following Lebanon's fuel crisis. Whether in households or industries, what does it take to make it happen, how sustainable is it, how affordable, and does it really work?

We will tap into this as well as the needed shift in consumer behavior, the alternative to fuel subsidies, and more. Join the conversation!

For more information on renewable energy solutions check
To end excuses and start taking action:

Sep 3, 2021

Workplace 2.0 

In this first episode, Jennifer Colville, Innovation Team Lead for UNDP in the Arab States, and Vrouyr Joubanian, Head of Experimentation at UNDP Lebanon’s Accelerator Lab discuss UNDP Lebanon’s upcoming move to its new office. But this move isn’t just a matter of packing up and relocating; it’s also an effort to reimagine what work will look like at UNDP Lebanon. Spoiler alert: more collaboration, less silos.

Jennifer and Vrouyr chat about the participatory process that brought colleagues together to design the new premises using a user-centered approach. The episode also features input from colleagues who shared their experiences going through this process.

More on our Join the Conversation platform:
Blogpost 1:
Blogpost 2:

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