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Why the body needs to move, a conversation about movement with Beth Riley

Sep 2, 2021

Why is movement such a powerful healer? What does it mean to move your body?

On today’s episode, we’ll be featuring our guest, Beth Riley, who is a global leader in somatic movement education and therapy. She’s a seasoned somatic movement activist, with over 40 years of experience, facilitating workshops in movement, yoga and meditation.

A founding member of Mt Madonna Center, she has also been an invited presenter at Esalen, The Open Center in NYC and the Skyros Institute in Greece. Her website is: www.themovingwell.com.

We talk about:
✅ What movement means to her, in her words
✅ Why movement is so important?
✅ How she discovered movement as a healing modality in her life
✅ The movement work of Continuum that she has been involved in
✅ How movement is a way to become embodied
✅ How her life changed with movement, and how she’s been able to transform the life of others
✅ How we (the audience) can establish a home practice of movement centered meditation in our daily lives

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