The Voice Contestant Who's Making Opera Cool Again

The Voice Contestant Who's Making Opera Cool ...

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Altered state: Making it through the storm

‏Dolores Shelleh was the first Jordanian woman to summit Mount Everest in 2019, a year which marked many deadly expeditions. In an interview recorded from Serbia, Dolores talks about the tragedy she witnessed on the mountain and her struggle to readjust to the mundane routine and ...  Show more

High Altitude: How Skydiving Can Teach You to Face Your Fears

‏Nicole Smith Ludvik is a professional skydiver, stuntwoman, yoga instructor, social media influencer and emerging motivational speaker. She explains how she ended up on top of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai as the star of an Emirates airline campaign that went viral, talks about her ...  Show more

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كافيه شو

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‏في الجزء الأول من سلسلة مع برنامج "روافد" يتحدث المسرحي اللبناني فائق حميصي عن التمثيل الإيمائي. ويعود بالذاكرة إلى تاريخ انطلاق هذا الفن وكيف كان حكرا على النبلاء وحدهم، لأن التمثيل الصامت على المسرح كان عن الملوك، فلم يكن مقبولا أن يؤديه عامة الشعب. الحركات الإيمائية لعبت دورا ...  Show more

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#16 رحلة المايسترو المسرحي الساحرة - The Theatrical Maestro's Enchanting Journey
Conversations with Ricardo Karam

‏In this captivating podcast episode, we delve into the enchanting world of Rafic Ali Ahmad, a true legend of the theater whose career has been marked by unwavering devotion to his art. Hailing from a large family, Rafic, at 70 years old, is undoubtedly one of the most beloved fi ...  Show more